Am I Too Young For A Mammogram?

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The most commonly discussed women’s imaging topic is what is the best time for women to undergo their first mammogram. Since breast screenings are the first step to fighting breast cancer, mammography plays an important role in identifying breast cancer during its early stages and successfully treating it. Breast Cancer Awareness starts with knowing when to start scheduling annual mammogram screenings.

Determining at what age to start your mammogram screening isn’t always easy, and it’s about finding a balance between the benefits of early detection and minimizing patient exposure to radiation, which some argue can, in turn, increase your risk of developing cancer. There are many factors that come into play, such as your genetic history and whether or not you’re considered high or low risk for developing breast cancer. In order to prevent overexposure to radiation, most doctors recommend that patients begin to get tested for breast cancer during a particular time frame. This window is usually when the patient is at the age where they would typically develop breast cancer, so the pros of screening will outweigh the cons.

So, how old do you have to be to get a mammogram?

Well, there are no strict rules for when you should start getting mammograms, but there are guidelines that women are recommended to follow. These guidelines differ slightly, but here’s what three of the top cancer organizations recommend:


With both the earliest age recommendations and the most consistent screening recommendations, ACOG certainly offers more intensive screening guidelines than the other major cancer organizations. They recommend that women at average risk get their first mammogram no earlier than 40 years old, and then they recommend that each individual should continue to get screenings annually.


On the other end of the spectrum, Task Force Services suggests a highly controversial set of guidelines for patients as they suggest that patients do not need to get their first screening until they are 50 years old, unless, of course, you have a family history of breast cancer. Additionally, Task Force Services also recommends that you only need to screen every two years after your first mammogram, not every year.


As a middleman between both ACOG and Task Force Services, and traditionally accepted as the best recommendation for breast cancer screening, the American Cancer Society provides more balanced guidelines that recommend ages and screenings in the middle of the other two. The ACS changed its guidelines in recent years to suggest that women start at 40- 45 years old to get their first mammogram. From there, they advise that women should get mammos yearly until they are 54. Once they’ve reached 55, they should switch to getting mammograms every other year as long as they are in good health.

At the end of the day, there really is no definitive answer that tells you an exact rule for when you should be getting your mammogram. However, the number of expected cases of Breast Cancer to be diagnosed among women ages 40-49 was just over 45,000 for 2019. It is definite that you should be getting screened during your at-risk years, which are in your 40’s and 50’s.

While some of the provisions provided by each organization differ, they all provide credible guidelines for average-risk patients. The fact of the matter is, when you should get your first mammogram and how often you should get screened really depends on your individual circumstances.

As always, consult with your doctor on when you should undergo your first mammogram. Your medical care provider will be able to lead you to the best option while taking your risk factors and health history into consideration. Our BICRAD team is willing to help answer any breast health and mammogram questions you may have. Be proactive about your health and schedule your annual mammogram today!