Getting To Know BICRAD Radiologist: Dr. Linda Gordon

radiologist in san francisco, san francisco radiologist, Dr. Linda Gordon, Linda Gordon MD

In case you couldn’t tell, here at BICRAD we’re incredibly proud of the amazing men and women who make up our team. We have over 100 radiologists on staff, who serve patients each and every day across the bay area at over 30 hospital and outpatient imaging locations. Every single one of our radiologists brings something unique to the team, and we love when we get a chance to highlight them so that patients get a chance to learn more about them not just professionally, but also on a personal level.

Today we’re sharing a little bit more about Dr. Linda Gordon, who in addition to being a highly talented Board Certified radiologist also serves as the Medical Director at the Carol Ann Read Breast Health Center and acts as the President of the San Francisco Bay Radiological Society. We sat down and asked her a couple of questions about life as a radiologist, her professional accomplishments, and what she loves doing when she’s not in the office. Here are her responses!

Linda Gordon MD, san francisco radiologist, radiologist in san francisco, BICRAD, BICRAD radiology

How long have you been with BICRAD and what’s the best part about being part of the team?  

I have been with BIC for four years. The best part is the amazing depth of knowledge that is encompassed by this group, as well as the willingness to share this with their partners.  This allows us to provide the best patient care as well as individually advance our understanding.

What is something that we wouldn’t know about you?

I swim almost every day before work.  At 5 am I used to be the first person in the pool, but I have recruited a group of like-minded people and now we fill the pool at that crazy hour!

What does a day in the “office” look like for you?  

As soon as we arrive the team meets for a “huddle” to discuss the work flow.  We work through any scheduling conflicts and then we get down to the daily work of patient care.  Frequently we are consulted by our partners on cases, allowing us to reassure patients that we have had several radiologists weigh in on their case for a consensus opinion.

If you weren’t a radiologist, what would do for a living?

Assuming that I was not an MD, I think I would be a novelist.  I used to read voraciously, although that has slowed down. But I have many ideas for the great American novel.  The Heroine is usually a very quick witted radiologist…

What would you tell a patient that is anxious or worrying about a particular procedure or diagnosis?  

I mention that stress is not a helpful process.  After a biopsy the results will be what they will and we will deal with it as it comes.  Stressing over the result diminishes your body’s ability to cope with a bad result, and if the results are benign it was unnecessary to go through that suffering.  I ask the patients to put the results out of their mind for the next few days and we will deal with them once they arrive.

What is one food that you couldn’t live without?

Anything Asian. Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese…my husband favors Mexican cuisine, but I usually win. It’s a good thing we live in the East Bay!  

What’s something you learned in medical school that you use every day?  

Focus. In order to absorb all of the information that is presented, you need to be able to have a laser beam focus, which means eliminating/ reducing distractions. Always finish a task before starting a new task.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?  

“Everything in Moderation. Including moderation…” -Oscar Wilde.

It’s so important to remember that your radiologist isn’t just your doctor, they’re a person too! Understanding who they are both personally and professionally can go a long way towards reassuring you that you’re trusting the right person with your care. Keep an eye out for our next radiologist spotlight!