Selecting An Imaging Center: Why Quality Matters

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Choosing an imaging center for your upcoming scan is an important decision, and important decisions take time, effort, and care. Picking a facility for your imaging needs requires you to place trust in both the center and its employees, and that trust shouldn’t be given lightly. Not all imaging facilities are created equal, and no two patients are the same either. What you need out of a radiology provider may be different than what the person next to you needs, and when it comes down to it it’s all about finding a place that’s right for you based on your specific needs. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding what you need out of your imaging center.

High-Quality Machines Make a Difference

When it comes to imaging, quality matters. More often than not it will be worth your while to have your imaging scan completed at a facility with the most top-notch and innovative equipment. Better equipment means better images, which equates to easier and faster diagnosis and treatment.

Commitment to Safety is of the Utmost Importance

Many imaging procedures involve radiation emission, so you will want to ensure that your imaging facility is committed to the highest degree of safety and understands not only the amounts of radiation emitted from each procedure, but also how to mitigate your exposure to this radiation as much as possible. You will also want to make sure that your imaging center engages in regular machine safety checks—nothing says uncomfortable like being stuck in a closed MRI machine that hasn’t been properly fixed.

Board Certification Matters

This is one of the most important factors when selecting an imaging facility. Fancy equipment doesn’t mean as much when the people operating it aren’t held to the highest standard possible. A board certified radiologist has undergone additional exams and certifications and must maintain their board certification by displaying their knowledge and experience year after year. This additional commitment to radiology can oftentimes mean a more accurate and speedy diagnosis. All of the radiologists at BICRAD are board-certified and committed to providing you with the best care possible.

You Want Dedicated Staff at Your Fingertips

You want to look for doctors, radiologists, technologists and nurses that are dedicated to your health and your recovery. Nothing gives you peace of mind during a trying medical time like being able to completely place your trust in your imaging team and believe that they truly have your best interests at heart.

The Decision is Ultimately Yours

Many times your doctor or insurance will refer you to a specific diagnostic imaging center. It’s important to understand that just because your doctor or insurance refers you to a specific facility does not mean it’s the best place for you or your care. You will sometimes be referred to the most affordable center, not necessarily the best. At the end of the day, the decision is yours—no one can or should make it for you. You should find an imaging center that puts your worries at ease, has the certifications that hold their office to a higher standard of care, and one that is willing to tailor an experience to your unique needs.

Choosing an imaging center isn’t as easy as picking the name of a facility off of the internet and making an appointment. There are important factors to consider when your health is in someone else’s hands, so take ample time to make an informed decision so that you feel you are receiving the best care possible. If you’re looking for the best imaging center in San Francisco, call the board-certified radiologists at BICRAD today so we can show you our commitment to your health!