breast cancer screening

Understanding The Four Types Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in women across the United States and the entire world, but despite its prevalence there’s still a lot that people don’t know about the disease. Many people hear the words “breast cancer” and lump all diagnoses into the same category, but there are actually several different types of breast cancer: ductal carcinoma in situ, metastatic breast cancer, invasive ductal carcinoma, and triple-negative breast cancer.

Today we’ll explore each breast cancer type and discuss the difference between invasive cancer and non-invasive cancer.

Breast Cancer Screening Procedures: Mammogram vs. Ultrasound vs. MRI - Which is Right for You?

There are several types of procedures used for breast cancer screening, each with different benefits and different scenarios in which they might be used. Here’s an overview on three of the most common ones: mammogram, breast ultrasound, and breast MRI.

Thermography vs Mammography: Which Is Better For Breast Cancer Detection?

In 2019, it was estimated that about 30% of diagnosed cancers in women were breast cancer. The good news is that breast cancer screening methods have made important advances in ensuring more women and men have a fighting chance against the disease. In this article, we will discuss two of the most common methods of breast cancer screening: thermography and mammography and which is better for breast cancer detection

Addressing The Elephant In The Room: Male Breast Cancer

Most of us are aware of breast cancer and its effects on women, but many of us don’t talk about the less common issue of breast cancer in men. In this article, we will discuss the prevalence of male breast cancer, how it occurs, and how you can overcome stigmas and spark an important conversation around male breast cancer.

Exploring Your Breast Cancer Screening Options

Regular screening is the best way to discover breast cancer before in its earliest stages, giving you the best chance at beating it. With modern technology always advancing, our breast cancer screening options have broadened to offer even more when it comes to choosing the best imaging method for you. We will take a look at the ins and outs of the different methods of women’s imaging to help you better understand what options are available to you.

How Breast Density Determines The Best Breast Screening Test

At Bay Imaging Consultants, we stress the importance of regular mammograms and breast screenings. While mammograms are the standard for breast imaging, factors may play a role into whether or not additional imaging tests are needed.  Breast MRI and ultrasound are often suggested for women at risk of breast cancer, which includes women with high breast density. Here’s a closer look at how breast density affects which screening test is best for you.

Rural VS Urban Mammogram Screening Rates Vary Widely In These 9 States

Annual mammograms are so often stressed for women over 45 — yet, despite the huge push for early detection methods, there are many factors that affect a women’s likelihood of getting a mammogram screening, especially in rural areas of the country. Here are 9 states with the biggest disparity of screening between women living in rural versus metropolitan areas.