lung cancer

The Importance Of Lung Cancer Screening

Although lung cancer is a very deadly disease, lung cancer death rates are dropping due to early detection, education, and lifestyle changes. November is Lung Cancer Awareness month, so we’re educating patients about this dangerous condition and raising awareness about the important role that lung cancer screening plays in prevention!

Lung Cancer Risk Factors And Screening Options

Awareness is everything, and knowing the many risk factors for lung cancer can help minimize your risk of developing the condition. Here are some of the main lung cancer risk factors and the screening methods you can get to test for lung cancer.

Dangers of Vaping: Surprising Lung Effects You Need To Know About

In the past few years, e-cigarettes have become increasingly more popular as an alternative to smoking. Many people attempt to quit smoking by switching to “vaping” as a seemingly safer option. Unfortunately, e-cigarettes can still pose risks to your health. Below, we will discuss some surprising side-effects of vaping that can be harmful to your wellbeing.

CT Lung Cancer Screening: What Is It & Who Is Eligible?

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a month dedicated toward raising awareness about the disease that is the #1 killer of men and women across the country. In this article, we will focus on a very important form of lung cancer screening—CT lung cancer screening—and discuss how lung cancer screening is making strides in preventing more lung cancer deaths.

Lung Cancer Screening: What you Need to Know

Many people may not be aware that lung cancer is the most deadly cancer, accounting for about 1 out of 4 cancer deaths. Low-dose CT scans are the best screening method for catching this cancer early and allowing time for successful treatment. Former smokers and other patients at risk for this cancer are encouraged to get screened and take advantage of the affordable options.